Lengkapilah ungkapan (asking for attention, checking understanding, ask for and give an opinion dan showing appreciation) berikut ini, kemudian klik "Check" untuk mengecek jawabanmu. Jika kamu kesulitan, kamu bisa klik "Hint" untuk mendapatkan Clue-nya. Klik pada angka untuk melihat pertanyaan pada setiap nomornya.
Passive Sentences
Read the dialogue!
Yahuri : Do you know the life cycle of a butterfly?
Sabnu : Yes, I do. It has been explained by Mr. Ruswanto, my biology teacher.
Yahuri &nb…Read More
Expressing Curiosity
Read the following dialogue!
Linda : Did you know that Ifana and her team won a math Olympiad?
Cinta : Yes, I did. Actually I wonder how they could win it.
Linda : They are smart and creative.…Read More
Giving a suggestion
Read the following dialogue!
Nanda : There will be a try out in the stadium next Sunday. Do you think I should join?
Nita : Definitely! I suggest you to join any try out. It will improve yo…Read More
Asking about possibilities
Read the following dialogue!
Rahmat : Is it possible that it will rain today?
Sarah : I think it is. It's cloudy, you know.
Rahmat : But..... the weather is unpredictable, right?
Sarah …Read More
Giving an Instruction
Read the following dialogue!
Son : Ooops, sorry?
Mother : You should be more careful next time. Now, clean up the mess.
Son : Sure, Mom.
…Read More
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